
Her Handwriting

Paper, Wood, colours, Pigments, shellac, pouring, burning, painting

Her handwriting consists of playful, light contours placed in an ornamental or changing environment in various color nuances. She translates her style into new compositions and materials. The love for the changeability of the material led to an abundance of technical processes that give Tanriverdi's oeuvre a unique value.


The classic work on canvas is expanded to include the use of paper. When dealing with a special modification of hand-made paper, wafer-thin image carriers are created, which are colored and mounted on canvases. The special feel of the material captures the atmosphere of your motifs and picture themes and reinforces them. Her reduced contours are partly burned into the picture carrier or painted on with a color pigment she developed from coffee grounds.
The sensual access to the world is reflected in a sensual examination of the material.

Being you

The attempts to define the term art are numerous and will not be listed here in detail. Let us follow the thought that art and culture are the “mastering of our search for self-determination” (Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel) - that is, they should help to answer the questions “Who or why am I?” - then art helps us through this approach to self-determination, we are approaching a state of freedom. If we look at the “art of ease” under this aspect, one can summarize: Mehlika Tanriverdi explores the possibilities of individual freedom together with everyone who wants to participate.