110 x 155 cm
pyrography and epoxy on wood
This art piece was made for an exhibition in the Monastery Bebenhausen starting July 7th 2022
with GEDOK, a Federation of women artists and patrons of the arts
Elements from the monastery were interwoven with the figure of Thomas Shelby From Peaky Blinders
(an epic centred on a crime family of mixed irish catholic and Romani origins based in Birmingham, England)
the inscription at the top can be found in the Präsidentschaftsraum in the monastery- which is also the title of this art piece: Aurora musis amica.
which means: Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund in German or Dawn is friend of the muses. (Early bird catches the worm in English.
that’s the key😉
this piece works on so many levels.. enjoy
The art piece can be bought now but will be send when the exhibition in the monastery is finished in the first week of October 22
Please contact the artist.